Safety Health Environment Action Management System

HSE Close out Action Tracking

eSHEAMS is a simple and powerful workflow based action management and tracking solution. It has been designed and developed to manage close-out of Safety, Health and Environment risk action items. These action items can be HAZOPs, HAZIDs, and construction risk assessments, Safety Studies or even meeting action items.

It simplifies the task of duty holder or HSE project manager. They have to configure and update the relevant parameters related to the project and import the Excel file which contains the list of action items into the system.

Safety software in Oil and Gas
HSE Risk Assessment

Then, the eSHEAMS will take over until the closure of each action items. The system automatically sends email notifications with the link to the system to all the parties responsible on each action items.

The application has extensive set of dashboards and reporting features. It monitors the progress and sends email notifications on the status. It contains filter criteria for customized summaries and views.

It is an integrated suite of Health, Safety and Environmental modules, combined with an HSE action item tracking database, event notification system and rules based workflow engine to help companies reactively and proactively manage their risk control measures. The action item shows everyone the same version of truth.

eSHEAMS customers


Problem at Hand

  • Close-out actions manually tracked through paper
  • Dedicated resources just to keep track of actions
  • Projects are complex and across borders
  • Close-out workflow rule varies for every discipline
  • Complexity doubles when each study requires different Excel template for close-out
  • Every Close-out sheet printed based on data in cells of different column & row from multiple worksheets
  • Often actions are routed to wrongactionee or discipline owners/approvers
  • Mistaken routing leads to – delays, erroneous reporting, missing actions
  • Close-out routing&tracking is a nightmare
    • Imagine 500 actions with min 3 signatures/discipline
    • Requires 1,500 stopovers
  • Locating who holds the Close-outs is challenging.
  • Complicates Close-out while dealing with stakeholders across borders, 3rd party vendors etc.
  • Scan & Email used evidence for Close-out sign-off
  • Horrendous effort preparing reports & updates
  • Audit & Governance compliance issue
    • Missing Close-out & supporting documents
    • Delays&inaccurate reporting, non-compliance etc.
  • Search for signed close-out sheets – uphill task
  • Storage of signed Close-out very expensive

eSHEAMS – the way forward

  • Web based cloud-centric solution
  • Secured access from anywhere
  • Robust & Intelligent workflow – custom designed for Oil & Gas studies i.e. HAZOP, HAZID etc.
  • Once actions in Excel loaded, eSHEAMS takes over
  • Drag and Drop of Excel file attributes for Close-out template definition
  • Delegation of actions within same disciplines
  • Rerouting of actions within same/across disciplines
  • Pull back capability for approval re-submission
  • Multi-level approval definition by discipline
  • Approval delegation – based on workload
  • Re-assignment of actions
  • Capability to download project details – Excel/PDF
  • Printing feature of Close-out sheets & attachments
  • Automated email notifications and reminders
  • File extension filter for attachments
  • Provides real-time status for every action/project
  • Robust reporting and tracking
  • Dashboard with drill down capability
  • Trending on project progress
  • Online wild-card search capabilities
  • Archival of data for future reference

Our customers say…

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