This application is mainly for real-time monitoring of cash at every SST. It monitors the cash level (position) status for every SST 24 by 7. It has provision to maintain both upper and lower threshold limits. Whenever the threshold exceeds its limit, the system will alert and notify the users. It provides colour coding to differentiate the cash status i.e. red for critical, amber for warning and green for healthy level. There is a workflow based cash indent feature for users to order cash, to approve, to pack, to delivery and to accept requested cash by branch personnel. This module also provides the comparison on cash balancing and daily settlement status for each SST with multiple sources.

Functions & Features
- Cash Level monitoring with multiple thresholds
- Auto-notification of cash level to users based on the threshold level
- Workflow for cash indent – cash ordering, approval with multiple levels, cash packing, delivery and acceptance
- Comparison against totals in EJ, Switch and Cash Service Providers (CIT)
- Provides replenishment detail report – cash loaded (including cash add), cash dispensed, cash remaining (return) and rejected
- Daily report on total dispensed and deposited by SST, Service Provider, region, branch, etc.
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